The owner and user / tenant are jointly responsible for the fire safety of a building. This responsibility is translated into the so-called 'BIO' measures.
Constructional measures include provisions that prevent the emergence and expansion of fire and ensure the safe evacuation of persons.
Think of the use of fire-resistant materials, the placement of fire-retardant partition walls (compartments) and the presence of sufficient escape routes.
With our knowledge we are happy to be of service to meet the requirements of both the government and the insurance company!
Technical installation measures include facilities that detect and signal fire and the presence of emergency lighting in escape routes.
The fire protection systems include a fire alarm and evacuation alarm system, fire extinguishers, escape route indication / emergency lighting and facilities on doors.
With our knowledge of signaling, alarms, lighting and safety locks, we are happy to be of service and together with you we can save costs!
Organizational measures are, among other things, focused on the fire safe use of the building and the duty of care of the installations.
Organizational measures call upon discipline and attention from people and procedures. Think of an evacuation plan, regular maintenance and management of documents and certificates.
With our knowledge of construction and installation technical regulations we are happy to be of service so that you can safely use your building and manage installations easily!