In order to use a building or other structure fire-safe, a number of measures have to be taken. The Building Decree 2012 is the guiding principle here. But what does this decision mean in concrete terms? These 8 clear steps will help you:
Protect the building supporting structure against fire: In the event of fire, people must have sufficient time to escape safely and the fire department must be able to search the building for people who have stayed behind. The building decree therefore makes demands on the building structure in case of fire. The building may not collapse quickly in the event of a fire.
Prevent the occurrence of fire:
To prevent fire, different demands are made on the fire behavior of materials and construction parts. Make sure that a fire cannot develop quickly: The sooner a fire can develop, the sooner a fire is no longer manageable. A rapidly developing fire also hinders escaping to a safe place.
Provide fire compartmentalization:
Requirements for compartmentalization are imposed on a large building or a structure with a specific use function. The size of a compartment is determined by the size of the building, the combination with other rooms or the maximum walking distance.
Provide safe escape routes:
The principle of the safe escape route is that people can leave the space that is threatened by fire or smoke as quickly as possible along a safe route to a safe place. For escape routes, depending on the use function, requirements are set for material use and length. Escape routes should of course be free of obstacles.
Provide fire alarms:
The sooner a fire is signaled, the greater the chance that the fire can still be extinguished without the help of the fire brigade, people can escape safely and the fire brigade can act more repressively.
Provide extinguishing agents:
Fire at an early stage can often be extinguished without the help of a fire brigade. Sufficient extinguishing agents (fire hose reels and hand fire extinguishers) help to extinguish a fire early.
Provide facilities for the fire brigade:
To facilitate the work of the emergency services, there are requirements for accessibility, fire extinguishing water facilities, the presence of a dry extinguishing pipe and possibly a fire service lift.
Provide adequate control and maintenance:
Fire prevention facilities are subject to aging and wear. Regular maintenance and monitoring of correct operation are therefore essential.