In healthcare there are often patients who cannot (or not without help) flee. Based on patients’ self-reliance, the use function is subdivided into sub-use functions:
- Health care without a bed area, such as a GP station.
- Health care with a bed area, such as a nursing ward in a hospital.
Measures for fireproof use:
Constructional Measures:
- Prevent rapid fire and smoke development by using fire-resistant windows, doors and walls.
- By creating a strategic choice of the rising points (stairwells) or additional escape routes, the safety in the building is increased.
- Avoid rapid fire expansion of the fire by using self-closing doors and the use of non-flammable or poorly combustible building materials.
- Provide horizontal evacuation options and broader corridors for beds.
Technical Installation Measures:
- Fire alarm system with full monitoring, certification and reporting to the fire brigade, depending on the use function.
- Loud or silent alarm, depending on, among other things, bedbound and / or non-bed patients and use of 'people search facilities' (beeps etc.).
- Small extinguishing agents, fire hose reels and sprinkler system, type of extinguishing agent geared to the presence of equipment and materials.
- Flight route indication, if necessary electronically depending on the visibility and presence of bedbound patients.
Organizational Measures:
- Set up evacuation plans and a Company Emergency Assistance Organization (CEAO). The organization of the emergency response depends on the mobility and self-reliance of patients.
- Set up a special area for the storage of oxygen and other flammable substances, depending on the self-reliance of persons and the institution’s CEAO organisation.
- Use fire-retardant mattresses for bed-bound patients.
- Ensure safe and clear escape routes
We would like to unburden you with our expertise of Fire Prevention.
Brandveiligheid begint al in de ontwerpfase. Hier wordt de basis gelegd voor het gebruik van het gebouw. In de ontwerpfase denken wij met u mee zodat het gebouw optimaal door u kan worden gebruikt, aansluit bij uw behoefte en de zorg voor uw cliënten. Uw wensen worden door ons vertaald naar concrete plannen inclusief de eventuele benodigde vergunningen.
In deze fase is het voor de planning van belang om de vaart er goed in te houden. De bouwkundige en installatietechnische maatregelen worden door ons in uitvoering genomen zodat u geen omkijken heeft naar de planning en kwaliteit. Hiervoor werken wij onder andere samen met betrouwbare partners.